Rwanda: the faces of a thousand hills

“Rwanda, the Faces of a Thousand Hills” is a journey into humanity, captured through the gesture of a hand, the depth of a look that erases the passage of time, the continuous alternation of light and shadow that reflect the light and shade of the soul. Each photograph is the emotional expression of an unspoken thought; it is the idea that we can proceed beyond the boundaries of an image printed on paper; it is the possibility of an encounter with a life that is expressed in the stillness of a path designed forever. The faces that run in front of our eyes tell the every day journey of a woman, the daily fatigue, the sweat of the fields, the ground work, the thought of a child’s life . The photographer Luca Catalano Gonzaga, offers us the view from behind the lens: he is the director, the artist, however, he leaves the opportunity to each viewer not to stop in front of the immediate, but rather to become a participant observer of a deep and intense image of Africa.


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Witness Image is a non profit organization founded by Luca Catalano Gonzaga, which combines photography and journalism.

Its’ purpose is to narrate the great transformations of our time through a number of projects.


Witness Image aims to document the world disorder of our day through images and their stories such as: the causes and consequences of the war, child abuse, hunger, poverty, injustices, natural and environmental disasters.


Witness Image wants to build a reflection on the right of people to remain themselves in this era of great political and socio-cultural changes.

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