Burns and war-related traumas

In Iraq, the war began in 1980 and since then it has never ended. Starting with the confrontation with Iran, then Kuwait, then the Gulf conflict in 1990, the independence of Kurdistan, the American invasion of 2003, the explosion of domestic terrorism, the embargo, the creation of Al Qaeda, and finally, the rise of the Caliphate in the northern part of the country. To pay the price of this decade of destabilisation are the civilians, who live in frustration, betrayed by the promises, tired of believing that things might eventually change. If the older generation is losing its memory, new generations cannot even imagine peace. As in Nasiriyah, a city located in southern Iraq, where children are the ones being sacrificed by a global system of insecurity and poor health care. The portraits show their faces before entering the operating room, all marked by deformities of the body and facial burns caused by domestic accidents (exposed electrical wires, gas and fuel oil tanks for cooking) or even worse, by unexploded ordnance still scattered across the country. The story “Burns and war-related traumas” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga tells the stories of women and children who have had the opportunity to be operated on thanks to the surgical treatment of the NGO Emergenza Sorrisi. (text by Luca Catalano Gonzaga).

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Witness Image is a non profit organization founded by Luca Catalano Gonzaga, which combines photography and journalism.

Its’ purpose is to narrate the great transformations of our time through a number of projects.


Witness Image aims to document the world disorder of our day through images and their stories such as: the causes and consequences of the war, child abuse, hunger, poverty, injustices, natural and environmental disasters.


Witness Image wants to build a reflection on the right of people to remain themselves in this era of great political and socio-cultural changes.

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